This error message only occurs with a Floating or ASP license.
If you get this error message, it means either:
- The License Manager on the Server has either been moved or has not been installed and activated correctly.
- Or (most likely) that the ISV Server port (by default 51006; automatically set during activation) is blocked in one or both directions.
The ISV port is shown in the table when you click the Status command in the RLSA window. It must be open on Client devices for outbound access so ExtendSim can request licenses from the License Manager on the Server. It must also be open for inbound access on the Server to allow internal communications between the Server files and so the License Manager can receive ExtendSim license requests. Either unblock 51006 as the ISV port (highly recommended) or (not recommended) set a different unblocked port for the ISV as discussed in Changing the port for the ISV Server and in the document Frequently Asked Questions • Floating Licenses.