Question on Prior Releases • ExtendSim 9 & Older

Questions on Prior Releases — ExtendSim 9 & Older

1 - ExtendSim 9 Network Issue - Client can't check license back in

2 - ExtendSim 9 Network Issue - Resetting the License Manager on the Server

3 - ExtendSim 9 Network Issue - Client cannot connect to the License Manager

4 - ExtendSim 9 Network Issue - Retrieve list of checked out/in licenses

5 - ExtendSim model compatibility with previous versions.

6 - Editable text boxes in block dialogs in ExtendSim 9 are not showing numbers.

7 - Error message when attempting to check a client license out of an ExtendSim 9 Network license.

8 - For the License Manager on an ExtendSim 9 Network license, how can I tell what's running?

9 - Data Import Export block issues when converting from ExtendSim 9 to 10.

10 - Error Message when installing the ExtendSim 9 updater.

11 - End of Life (EOL) and End of Support (EOS) for ExtendSim 9.