The ExtendSim Maintenance & Support Plan (MSP) is a comprehensive package designed to meet the needs of all users - especially those with mission-critical applications based on ExtendSim solutions. This annual plan makes support costs affordable and predictable over a 12-month period – enhancing long-range budgeting and planning for software and technology. (Being ahead of the game is always cool.) It supports your software investment – helps you stay current and be more productive.


Maintenance & Support Plan Details & Features

The ExtendSim MSP is an annual plan that applies to and is required for all ExtendSim products except Trial, Student, and Player RunTime. The first year of MSP is included with your purchase; annual renewal is required after the first year. As long as the MSP is current you can:

  • Receive technical support for basic usage and troubleshooting questions such as:
    • Assistance for software download, installation, and setup.
    • General guidance regarding ExtendSim features and usage.
    • Referrals to example models and documentation to explain concepts and features.
    • Simple sample models on a limited basis.
    • Answering questions related to documentation or example models.
    • An overview of methods to achieve efficient and optimal model performance.
    • Basic assistance in troubleshooting unexpected model behavior.
  • Ability to manually launch multiple instances of ExtendSim and launch multiple parallel instances of ExtendSim using Multicore Analysis. (If your MSP expires, you can still use ExtendSim, but can only launch one instance of ExtendSim.)
  • Download free ExtendSim minor release updates.
  • Download free ExtendSim major release upgrades.
  • Move your ExtendSim license from one device to another (if allowed by the EULA).
  • Experience, evaluate, and influence future products and features.

Notes on level of support available:

  • For questions that indicate consulting or training assistance is needed (such as how to approach model building, a need for extensive model debugging, and help with writing or debugging custom code), we will refer you to the appropriate trainer and/or consultant.
  • For third-party applications that communicate with ExtendSim, we are glad to convey any knowledge that we have, but we cannot provide comprehensive support for another vendor's software.

MSP Annual Renewal Fee

First year of the MSP is included in the purchase price. After the first year, fees will be:

Product ExtendSim ProExtendSim DEExtendSim CPExtendSim Analysis RunTime
Individual MSP
priced per license per year
annual MSP $899 $699 $199 $495
material number 133781453 133781454 133781455 133781456
Floating MSP
concurrent usage
priced per concurrent user per year
annual MSP per user $1758 $1224 $358 $990
material number 133781470 133781471 133781472 133781473
Node-Locked MSP
sequentially shared
priced per license per year
annual MSP $1998 $1398 $398 $990
material number 133781458 133781459 133781460 133781461

MSP for Individual and Node-Locked licenses may be renewed through the ExtendSim Store.

If you own multiple ExtendSim licenses, each license will have its own Maintenance & Support Plan. MSP fees can be prorated so your renewal date is the same for each license and, hence, we can provide you with a combined invoice for all your licenses.

All fees are payable in advance and non-refundable. Annual fees must be paid within 30 days of renewal date or the Maintenance & Support Plan for that license is subject to reinstatement charges.

Expired MSP and reinstatement policy to reactivate MSP

When you purchase an ExtendSim Individual, Floating, or Node-Locked license, you are committing to an annual fee to maintain support and upgrades for the software. Renewal fees must be paid within 30 days of your renewal date. If your MSP expires, you will still be able to use ExtendSim to build and run models, but:

  • Free upgrades to major releases are no longer an option.
  • Software updates will no longer be accessible to an expired license.
  • You will no longer have access to Multicore Analysis and will only be able to launch one instance of ExtendSim.
  • You will not be able to move or reinstall your license as replacement activation keys only work on current software.
  • You can still access Technical Support, however it is no longer free and must be purchased on a Per-Incident Basis.

Reinstatement penalties will be incurred to reactivate the license. In all cases of reinstatement, the Maintenance & Support Plan will be back-dated to the original expiration date.

Reinstatement Fees for Lapsed Maintenance & Support Plan

  • Up to 30 days after the expiration date.
    No penalty.
  • Between 30 and 365 days past expiration.
    The plan can be reinstated upon payment of a reinstatement surcharge of 15% of the renewal fee in addition to the annual MSP fee.
  • 1 to 2 years past its expiration date.
    The plan can be reinstated upon payment of a reinstatement surcharge of 50% of the renewal fee in addition to all past due MSP charges.
  • 2 to 3 years past its expiration date.
    After a 2-year lapse, the Maintenance & Support Plan is terminated. We offer a 25% discount toward the purchase of an equivalent new license. A new MSP will go into effect based on the new purchase date.
  • More than 3 years past its expiration date.
    The Maintenance & Support Plan is terminated. You must purchase a new license at list price.
Per-Incident Support

Per-Incident Support

If after the first year of owning ExtendSim you allow your Maintenance & Support Plan to lapse or if you own an ExtendSim license that is not eligible for an MSP, you can get the same Technical Support assistance as listed above under MSP Details & Features by purchasing support on a Per-Incident basis. Each Incident is a discussion and resolution of one support-related issue. Per-Incident Support for usage questions and troubleshooting issues can be purchased from the ExtendSim Team or through the ExtendSim Store. Prices vary from US$80 to US$100.

Note: Though you can purchase assistance for support questions on an individual basis, the only way to get upgrades, updates, and ability to launch multiple instances of ExtendSim using Multicore Analysis is through the standard Maintenance & Support Plan. Hence, it is important to maintain the Support Plan for your software.