Expert Solutions Providers (ESPs) integrate strategic technologies and applications with ExtendSim to extend simulation coverage into specific market segments and provide customers with world-class simulation solutions.
Expert Solutions Providers are software developers offering solutions which complement ExtendSim; whether it’s a field-specific module for use with ExtendSim or a companion product to enhance model building.
For information and pricing on any of these packages, please contact the ESP directly.
ANDRITZ Inc. does not make any guarantees regarding the claims made by Expert Solutions Providers nor the added benefit of these tools.
Process Simulation, Process Automation, & Digital Twins
IDEAS Simulation
Alpharetta, GA USA
IDEAS is the world’s leading high-fidelity process modeling and simulation software, built upon the ExtendSim platform. It offers powerful steady-state and dynamic modeling capabilities, providing a comprehensive solution for all simulation requirements. With a team of simulation experts from diverse industry backgrounds, ANDRITZ provides top-notch simulation-based engineering services globally.
ANDRITZ offers comprehensive modeling and simulation services utilizing the ExtendSim and IDEAS platforms throughout various stages of a project's lifecycle. From conceptual design to numerous project phases such as feasibility studies, scenario analysis, risk assessment, basic and detailed engineering, logic verification, DCS pre-setup and testing, virtual commissioning, operator training (OTS), plant optimization, and Online Digital Twins, accelerating projects towards operational readiness.
Analytical Chemistry
Professor Emeritus Edward Voigtman
Univ. Of Massachusetts - Dept. Of Chemistry
Amherst, MA USA
LightStone allows you to model the quantitative behavior (including real noises) of modern spectrometric instrumentation such as UV-vis & IR spectrometers, optical polarimeters, etc. The libraries contain more than 300 blocks, offer polychromatic modeling up to 100,001 wavelengths, and fully implement the entire Jones & Muller optical calculi. There are numerous blocks pertaining to statistics and even a genetic optimization block.
Prof. Voigtman's textbook Limits of Detection in Chemical Analysis details methods for computing valid limits of detection in chemical analysis and demonstrates various theories using the Lightstone module.
Lightstone may be used with any of the ExtendSim packages.

The BioQUEST Library
The BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium (BQCC)
Beloit College -- Biology Department
Beloit, WI USA
The BIOQUEST Library is a peer-reviewed publication that contains more than 70 tools, simulations, databases, and other resources used in undergraduate biology. The Library represents a collaborative effort to provide opportunities for students to engage in problem posing and problem solving in a variety of biological investigations. Students are encouraged to develop strategies for:
- Experimental design
- Acquisition and analysis of large data sets
- Effective peer persuasion at all stages of scientific investigation
BioQUEST may be used with any of the ExtendSim packages.

Distribution Fitting
Geer Mountain Software Corporation
South Kent, CT USA
Stat::Fit statistically fits input data to analytical distributions. The Auto::Fit function automatically fits continuous and discrete distributions, providing relative comparisons between distribution types. The Export function translates the fitted distribution into the specific form for ExtendSim. The distribution viewer allows interactive display of distributions, providing for quick no-data representations.
This companion product is included in ExtendSim Pro and may be added to any other ExtendSim package.
Engineering of Complex Systems
John R. Clymer and Associates
Fullerton, CA USA
The OpEMCSS (Operational Evaluation Modeling for Context-Sensitive Systems) module provides the ability to examine important elements in a problem space and allows the formulation of alternative solution concepts. OpEMCSS contains a forward chaining, expert system controller that can implement both crisp and fuzzy rules. Plus, it applies reinforcement learning to discover optimal rules to manage system operation.
You MUST own ExtendSim Pro to use this module.
Process Industries
Frontway AB
Norköpping, Sweden
PaperFront is a material and energy balancing software, with the ability to act as a digital twin whatever quality targets you have. PaperFront is developed for the process industry, focusing on the pulp- and paper industry (no exclusions). The software is uniquely designed for complicated production processes, block-building, and multivariable management.
PaperFront is being used to optimize material flow and product quality, environmental studies, and energy management. The software is also being used for production planning (on a 7-day basis) and corresponding power consumption prediction.
The software manages full-dynamic simulations, chemical components, solids and solubles, custom components, steam and moisture, physical properties, quality variables, and more. DCS connections are available.
PaperFront contains only four (4) libraries, with 50 blocks that provides functionality for all types of uses:
- Process industry simulations with blocks such as pumps, chests, heat exchanger, mixing/splitting functions, and more.
- Pulp and paper industry with blocks such as disc filter, headbox, wire, and more.
- Tools for managing large simulation models with different scenarios.
- Standard ExtendSim libraries work smoothly together with PaperFront.
PaperFront is an easy to use software module with help tools such as video-tutorials, demo-models, and individual help-texts to all blocks. FrontWay also offers education in the software and consulting services related to simulation. All simulation models and custom blocks go through an internally established quality check before delivery.
ProcessFront is a light version of PaperFront with focus on the general process industry.
PaperFront/ProcessFront may be used with any of the ExtendSim packages.