Sometimes a jump start on a project is all you need or maybe you just want to bring an expert in to build your entire model. We are fortunate to have an elaborate pool of certified ExtendSim consultants who can provide exceptional solutions to even your stickiest situations.
Each of these ExtendSim Consultants provide their customers with full solutions from model building, to pre- and post-sales support, training, implementation, and customization. They work closely with the ExtendSim Team so customers maximize their return on investment in ExtendSim solutions. Members of the ExtendSim Consultant Program commit significant time, resources, and expertise to provide customers with the best quality services and support
Process Simulation, Process Automation, & Digital Twins
Alpharetta, GA USA
ANDRITZ offers comprehensive modeling and simulation services utilizing the ExtendSim and IDEAS platforms throughout various stages of a project's lifecycle. From conceptual design to numerous project phases such as feasibility studies, scenario analysis, risk assessment, basic and detailed engineering, logic verification, DCS pre-setup and testing, virtual commissioning, operator training (OTS), plant optimization, and Online Digital Twins, accelerating projects towards operational readiness.
IDEAS is the world’s leading high-fidelity process modeling and simulation software, built upon the ExtendSim platform. It offers powerful steady-state and dynamic modeling capabilities, providing a comprehensive solution for all simulation requirements. With a team of simulation experts from diverse industry backgrounds, ANDRITZ provides top-notch simulation-based engineering services globally.
The companies below are not affiliated with, endorsed by, or connected to Andritz Inc., and any reference to them is purely for informational purposes. Please contact them directly for information on their services.
FrontWay AB
Process Industries
Norrköping, Sweden
ExtendSim consultant since 2005, FrontWay AB has expertise in the following areas:
- Training in simulation, ExtendSim, and PaperFront.
- System solutions for process industry simulations with a focus on pulp and paper mills.
- Building finishing department, logistics, and other manufacturing operation models for the pulp and paper industry.
- Develop customized blocks and solutions for users.
- Integrating ExtendSim with other applications.
- Process predictions, planning and scheduling with AI solutions (all within the ExtendSim environment).
FrontWay AB is also an ExtendSim Expert Solutions Provider of ExtendSim modules for the process industry.
Insight Acumen
Advanced Modeling and Simulation, Decision Support, System Improvement, Mentoring
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Insight Acumen (IA) has used ExtendSim since 2010 to build models to support decision makers and PhD students across myriad domains, industries, and research subjects. IA has built models in support of child welfare, child protection, training pipelines, coal handling plants, iron ore stockpiling, underground mining, military air traffic controller demand vs service provision, state aircraft fleet demand vs service provision, lithium processing plant availability, cheese production facilities, sugar-cane supply chain PhD research, criminal justice PhD research, and hospital emergency department PhD research.
More recently, Insight Acumen has added health service modelling experts to the consultant team. Experience includes using ExtendSim to model a new hospital design, specifically emergency department, imaging, theatre, and outpatients.
Insight Acumen has ExtendSim modelling expertise while clients and prospective clients have the domain subject matter expertise. We work closely with domain SMEs to build models that are fit-for-purpose and validated (if current-state data is available). Once validated using current state, users can have confidence in conducting discovery experiments, and in the test results for any number of possible future states.
Throughout the year, Insight Acumen offers multiple public training courses for ExtendSim Essentials Training. Rate-Based Modeling courses are available upon request. See the Insight Acumen site for details on their training courses.
Manufacturing, Transportation, Chemical & Packaging Lines
Seyssinet-Pariset, France
Since 1989, 1Point2 has distributed ExtendSim (in both French and English) and ExtendSim-related tools in France and other European countries. They provide simulation courses, seminars, and services for the industrial and scientific community, based on applying ExtendSim to numerous industrial problems. Specializations include simulation for chemical processes, Kanban loop sizing, ExtendSim and Excel data links, and custom block coding. They described their views on simulation in "Gestion de flux en enterprises - modélisation et simulation", by JF Claver, J. Gélinier and Dominique Pitt, Editions Hermes, 1996 Paris, France.
Depuis 1989, 1Point2 accompagne l'entrée dans l'industrie des techniques de simulation de flux par des prestations de services et d'études, des logiciels et des formations. 1Point2 distribue et utilise ExtendSim (Version Anglaise & Française) dans des domaines variés allant de la modélisation d'ateliers à l'optimisation de chaînes logistiques. 1Point2 est présent dans tous types d'industries,le monde de la santé, les services publics, l'enseignement et la recherche.