MicroLearningQuick videos to coach you on using ExtendSim blocks, hierarchical blocks, and on general ExtendSim usage.

ExtendSim Block Videos

Equation Blocks

Introduction to Equation blocks. Learn about input and output variables, building equations, using and testing the equation editor, and basic syntax...

17.33 minutes

Intermediate level video covering enabling/disabling the Equation debugger, setting/removing breakpoints, and stepping through your code....

14:44 minutes

Chart Blocks

Introduction to ExtendSim Chart blocks. Explore the dialog, data, and graph tabs, popup menu options, data collection, and cloning...

5:11 minutes

Learn how to use the Trace Editor in Chart blocks by changing its name, colors, line thickness, symbols, etc....

6:16 minutes

Introduction to the most useful block in the Chart library. Learn how to trace the history of values over time in a simulation...

4:50 minutes

Introduction to the most useful block in the Chart library. Learn how to trace the history of values over time in a simulation...

4:50 minutes

Shift Block

Why, how, and when to use a Shift block. Learn about types of shifts, shift-aware blocks, and connecting the Shift block...

6:06 minutes

Hierarchical Blocks

Introduction to hierarchical blocks. Why you want to use hierarchical blocks, how to create then open a hierarchical block, label them, and more...

4:21 minutes

Adding, deleting, and renaming connectors on hierarchical blocks...

4:22 minutes

Labeling and renaming hierarchical blocks...

2:36 minutes

Learn how to animate hierarchical blocks and their icons using animate value, item, activity, and queue animation...

9:51 minutes

Using ExtendSim

Learn what cycle time is, a few ways to calculate cycle time, and examine the Information block and other blocks used to define cycle time in ExtendSim...

6:11 minutes

Brief introduction to the most frequently used functions of the Simulation Setup dialog, including setting up simulation run length, global time units, and running multiple replications...

7:24 minutes