When sharing your ExtendSim models and/or custom libraries with colleagues, customers, or others (“end users”), the end user will either:

If the end user is using an MDE of ExtendSim:

In most cases, you can just provide your models and custom libraries to the end user. However, if your model uses blocks from the Discrete Event, Discrete Rate, or Reliability libraries, or your custom libraries have been derived from ExtendSim libraries in the ExtendSim DE or ExtendSim Pro products; the end user must also have the comparable ExtendSim product. If the model you are sharing contains custom-built blocks, please see Delivering custom files to an end user.

If the end user does not own ExtendSim:

The Analysis RunTime license is the perfect solution for end users who do not have an MDE version of ExtendSim. The Analysis RunTime license is a cost-effective way to access advanced ExtendSim functionality - perform experimentation, optimization, and analysis - without having to purchase a development version of ExtendSim.

Or if you just want the end user to view and run your model, try the Player RunTime. This free download allows you interactively run an ExtendSim model, watch as items move through the model, explore its inner workings, and view simulation results.